16th November, 2016

Exeter Christmas Market by train

This article is more than 8 years old.

Exeter Christmas Market starts this Saturday (19th November). Forget traffic and parking – take the train direct from Exmouth to Exeter Central and enjoy.

The market – which is going ahead despite the recent fire at the Royal Clarence Hotel – is made up of more than 80 wooden chalets on Cathedral Green, offering continental and local artisan products. Opening times from Saturday 19th November to Sunday 18th December are:

Monday-Wednesday: 10am-7pm (bars til 7.15pm)
Thursday-Saturday: 10am–9pm (bars til 9.15pm)
Sunday: 11am-6pm

Getting there

  • The market is a five-minute walk from Exeter Central station (see map).
  • The train from Exmouth to Exeter Central takes just half an hour.
  • Tickets cost £4.30 Off-Peak Day Return (buy at Exmouth station before boarding).
  • Trains run twice an hour for most of the day, seven days a week.
  • The last train home is after 11pm, seven days a week.

Find out more about the Exeter Christmas Market on its Facebook page.

Look up train times

Part funded by the Designated Community Rail Development Fund. The Fund is backed by the Department for Transport and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships (now Community Rail Network).

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