15th December, 2020

Earlier trains from Newquay

This article is more than 4 years old.

An improved timetable introduced last weekend means there are now earlier trains to/from Newquay.

  • There are now departures from Newquay at 07 12 and 09 17, Mondays-Fridays.
  • This means you can arrive much earlier in Plymouth (09 09) and London (12 29), changing at Par in both cases.
  • The new services mean commuting to Roche and Newquay is now possible.

Look up train times on GWR.com or download the PDF timetable.

Cllr Brown on first 07 12 departure

Pictured above – Cllr Geoff Brown, Cornwall Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, his grandson Jago and Benjamin Bear were among the first customers on Monday’s brand new 07 12 service from Newquay.

Read more about the launch of the new services and about future plans for the Atlantic Coast Line (Par-Newquay) in this GWR news story.


From 2nd December, if you live in a Tier 3 area you “should avoid travelling to other parts of the UK other than where necessary”. Devon residents are in Tier 2 and should “reduce the number of journeys you make where possible”. Cornwall residents are in Tier 1.

If you are travelling, face coverings must be worn on public transport and in indoor spaces at stations unless you are exempt. If you can, please buy your ticket online on the GWR app or website. Please also remember to wash your hands and use social distancing. Read more on GWR’s Coronavirus advice page.

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